11 Genius Time Saving Hacks for A SAHM
As a stay at home mom who wants to feel more productive, get more done each day and have more time for yourself, look at this list and see what time saving hacks for a SAHM you can start doing today.
Want to feel like you are superwomen? You are about to find out!

11 Time Saving Hacks for A SAHM
Time flies by and before you know it, it’s already time to start dinner. You look around and the house is a mess, laundry still needs to be done, and your never-ending to-do list is still sitting on the kitchen counter.
Don’t worry; you are not alone! Every mom out there is going through the same thing, juggling family, the house, and everything else. As a busy stay at home mom, we all want to get more done in less time. Yet, it is very challenging to get things done with little kids around.
These are the very best time saving hacks as a SAHM out there! Instead of having dozens that would surely overwhelm you, I’ve kept this list to BEST of the best. I am positive these hacks will help you get more done in less time!
1. Switch to Online Shopping for EVERYTHING
This hack alone will save you hours. Immediately switch to online shopping for your groceries, household items and anything else you are comfortable buying online.
The less you have to go in to the store, especially with children in tow, the better.
Not only will it save you hours each week, studies found that it will save you money too! I think every mom can agree that roaming Target or Costco is never good for the pocket book. Money seems to disappear so quickly in those stores.
Here are some reliable and easy online delivery stores options:
Related Post: Benefits of Online Grocery Shopping – Especially for Moms

2. Introduce Individual Play Early
You might be reading this and asking yourself “what is Individual play”? Individual play is a learned skill that a child can play independently for a set period of time. During this time the child requires no adult or peer interaction and is able to stay in a set place to play with a handful of picked out toys / activities.
Does that sound like a pipe dream?
It is very possible for every baby and child to learn this beneficial skill and you can start as early as 6 months.
There are many studies that show the benefits of children learning this kind of play. But not only is it beneficial for the child, but every mom can attest, having uninterrupted time would be amazing in the productivity of her day!
Related Post: Benefits of Solitary Play and How to Begin

3. Introduce Sleep Schedules
Sleep is a gift that the whole family benefits from. This is by far one of my favorite mom and time hacks!
I honestly do not know how I would survive motherhood if it wasn’t for sleep training and establishing good sleep schedules early on.
All four of my babies, including my twins, were sleep trained by 3 months old, and were sleeping 12 hours each night by 4 months old. We established a morning wake up time and evening bed time routine and stuck to it and made sure we were very consistent.
We utilized wake up clocks, black out curtains and a consistent schedule to encourage sleep and maintain good sleeping habits.
It can be done, and the benefits of having a full nights sleep is priceless, both for you and your baby and/or child. Your body needs sleep and without it you as mom will find it very challenging to get anything done in sleep fog from interrupted sleep.
Related Post: Sleep Training Your Newborn: The Babywise Schedule

4. Have a morning routine – that starts BEFORE your kids get up
Once you are getting the sleep you need to function every day, add an effective morning routine.
As a mom, there are certain things you can’t skip in the morning, such as getting yourself ready and getting the kids off to school. But what if I told you there’s a way to maximize your productivity and keep your sanity intact?
It all starts with a morning routine that starts before your kids get up. By waking up just 30 minutes earlier, you’ll give yourself time to practice some time-saving mom hacks.
Hacks include lay out their clothes the night before, or do some meal prep for breakfast, and squeeze in a doable and easy exercise routine for busy moms.
Whatever it is, having some dedicated “me time” in the morning can make all the difference in your day. So set that alarm and start your day off right!
Related Post: 9 Must do’s in a morning routine for busy mom’s
5. Get efficient at the “home” stuff
Are you still hoping the laundry will just one day magically disappear and you won’t have to do it anymore? Or maybe you are overwhelmed by a messy and cluttered home?
Having good laundry hacks, such as sort laundry by person, and use mesh bags for the socks can make all the difference in the world to feeling in charge of your home environment.
Have cleaning schedules and buy a robot vacuum to help keep the home picked up and mess free.
Studies show that how you feel about your home directly impacts your mental and physical state.
Is your home an oasis? A place that brings peace, calm and relaxation? Or are you stressed and overwhelmed the second you walk through the door?
Related Post: 6 steps to simplify your home with decluttering and organizing

6. Meal Prep like a Pro
One of the most significant challenges that busy moms face is finding the time to cook and prepare meals for their family. One way to make cooking easier is to meal prep.
Meal prep involves cooking meals in advance and storing them in the fridge or freezer, allowing you to save time during the week. Spend some time on the weekend or on your reset day, and prepare meals for the week ahead.
Related Post: 5 Meal Planning Hacks – How I save HOURS Each week
7. Multitasking
As a mom, you are an expert at multitasking. You are always running around doing one thing or another. However, there are some areas where you can be more efficient.
For example:
- While cooking dinner, you can also do the dishes or run a load of laundry.
- When waiting for your little one to finish their bath, you can fold some laundry or clean the bathroom while you wait.
- After you use the toilet, take a Clorox wipe and quickly wipe down the toilet area.
- While in the shower clean the shower walls and glass door real quick
The idea is to find ways to combine tasks to save time.
8. Schedule and Prioritize
A schedule and prioritizing your tasks can help you stay on top of things. Make a to-do list and prioritize the most important tasks first. You can also use a planner or a calendar to plan out your week. Having a schedule can help you manage your time better and reduce stress levels.
Use Your Phone Calendar Reminders & Notifications
Stay on top of your busy schedule with using your phone’s Alerts, Reminders and Calendar features. You will never have to remember anything ever again!
Related Post: Moms Need To Make Lists And Here’s The Most Efficient Way!
9. Delegate Tasks You Hate or Don’t Have Time For
Many parents feel guilty about delegating tasks, but it is essential to get help if you need it. You can ask your partner, your family, or even a babysitter to help with the kids or household chores. Delegating tasks can help you manage your time better and reduce stress levels. Hire a house cleaner, a landscaper or use a home meal delivery system.
We’ve been paying happy customers of HomeChef for years and it was one of the best decisions we ever made! I was very challenging for me to get a hot, healthy home cooked meal on the table for our large family of 6 multiple times a week. Adding HomeChef was the perfect assistance I needed. My kids love their meals and it’s been a win/win for everyone in our family.

10. Use Technology Strategically
There are many technology tools that can help you save time. For example, you can use apps to plan meals, create a to-do list, or schedule appointments. Online shopping is another great way to save time. You can order groceries or household necessities online and have them delivered to your doorstep. These small things can help you save a lot of time and reduce stress levels.
Be strategic when using your phone.
While technology is a great tool and can save lots of time, use your phone strategically. Minimize wasting time getting sucked in to social apps that don’t add value to our day or help get anything done. You sit down for a minute, and then next thing you know 30+ minutes have gone by and you haven’t accomplished anything.
Use your phone as a tool and the apps that are going to aid you in efficiency and productivity
Set up Recurring, Auto-pay, Online Banking & Bill Pay Services
Another great benefit of technology is utilize auto-pay. If you are a busy mom, you don’t have time to remember to make all of those bill payments. Set up auto bill pay, use online banking and recurring payments as much as you can.
11. Be consistent
This is where most moms and people in generally fall short. Consistency, discipline and time management are hard skills to master. They are not natural, take practice and are easy to let fall by the waist side.
But, one of the simplest time saving hacks for a SAHM is to be consistent. This means creating routines and sticking to them. Having a set schedule for meal times, nap times, and even play times can help you stay organized and on track. Plus, your kids will appreciate the predictability and structure in their day. So start implementing some consistency in your daily routine and see how much smoother things can run!
Time Saving Hacks for a SAHM Recap
Being a mom is challenging, but it doesn’t have to be stressful all the time. By implementing some of these time-saving hacks for a SAHM, you can manage your time better, be more productive, and reduce stress levels.
Start by choosing one or two time saving hacks to focus on this week and see how much time they save you. Once you get comfortable with those, add in a couple more. With a little planning, you can spend more quality time with your family and have some “me-time” too. You might just feel like Superwomen after all!
For more time saving tips, download this list today!

Looking for more genius hacks? Don’t forget to check out…
Want other amazing mom routines to help you stay on top of mom life?
Check out 13 Important Routines for Moms
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