Finding Simplicity in the Chaos

Amy Motroni's family with Genius Mom Hacks

meet AMY

Certified Life Coach / Mom Coach

From feeling super stressed & overwhelmed being a full time SAHM, to eliminating mom stress, mom guilt and loving motherhood once again!

I over came feeling super stressed and overwhelmed as a new mom, a “forced” SAHM questioning why we had such a large family, to realizing that my skills, strengths and experience, will actually be the thing that saves me in my journey to Motherhood.

I was not one of those little girls who dreamt of having a large family and being a mom. It just wasn’t me.

Instead, I really wanted to have a career for myself, something that fulfilled me beyond Motherhood.

So when my husband and I got the surprise “it’s TWINS!”, I immediately became overwhelmed and a little depressed. I knew our lives were forever changed and I thought I would have to sacrifice my career dreams.

Before the twins, I was loving my career as a Project Manager and Business Systems Analyst.

Being home all the time and living in an unorganized chaotic home, with lots of babies and toddlers, was having it’s toll on me. Until one day, I was done!

I made the decision right then, I was going to change how I felt about being a mom starting with how I felt about my HOME.

I started creating effective systems and routines that actually worked!

About Amy, founder of Genius Mom Hacks

And yes, I know, systems & routines doesn’t sound sexy, but as a mom of four kids, I would rather do something that works than what sounds sexy. And let me tell you, the right systems & routines WORK!

Next thing I knew, I had eliminated the crazy stress and overwhelm that just months before plagued me. I was loving my home again and being a mom. I started coordinating MOPS and teaching other moms what I’ve learned and my future career was being formed right before my eyes.

I am now a SAHWM, feeling fulfilled once again, building my dream business, teaching moms how to eliminate the crazy stress and overwhelm with my Genius Mom Hacks! And I could not be happier!

Want to eliminate the extreme stress and overwhelm you feel as a mom too?

Grab my FREE Top 10 Stress-Slaying Daily Checklist & Calendar!

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It ends with us by Colleen Hoover


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