The Perfect Sunday Reset Routine For Busy Moms
Do you always feel stressed and not prepared going in to Monday? This is the perfect Sunday Reset Routine for busy moms to start your week off right!
*Free Checklist below*

Most Saturday’s are spent relaxing or doing activities with the kids. Which makes Sunday the best day of the week to focus getting different household chores done, such as laundry, meal prepping & grocery shopping.
It will be easier on your week to get these tasks done on a free day, instead of stressing about them during the busy work week.
How To Create a Sunday Reset Routine For Busy Moms
You don’t need to spend the whole day on your reset routine, usually a few hours is plenty to feel ready for the busy week.
1. Sleep In & Rest
Sunday mornings are for catching up on sleep. As tired and busy parents, the first thing you should do is to have a mental health break and try and sleep in. I know, easier said than done, especially with young babies and toddlers.
The work week is often so busy, we get little time to rest and enjoy a cup of coffee.
How do I sleep in if I have young kids? Try these tips!
It is important for moms with young children, to have one day to sleep in and relax. So here are some Sleep-In hacks for parents.

Trade Off Days.
If you have a partner or spouse, trade off on days to sleep in. One parent gets up ‘early’ with the kids on Saturday and then they switch on Sunday. This way each parent gets at least one day of a sleep in, restful morning.
Have kid friendly breakfast station & T.V shows easily available.
This is a great option if your kids are old enough to sit in front of the TV unattended, and can be entertained by morning shows for a little bit.
Use a breakfast station, that has kid friendly foods available.
Use these breakfast station hacks explained in this post: Best Tips on how to survive summer as a SAHM

2. Meditate / Church / Read
Whether you go to church, meditate, listen to a Podcast, read a book or an inspirational quote, have some time focused on bettering yourself, your state of mind and finding peace. This is a great way to start your week off right.
Anyone can benefit from having a Sunday Reset Day. Front load your week with making as many decisions as possible, so you head in to your week prepared and ready for the busy schedule.

Use this checklist to create your own weekly reset routine. Another printable version at the end of this post too.

3. Tidy up / Clean / Declutter
Tidy up your house using my daily cleaning hacks from How To Fake Clean A House.
Pick up everything off of the floor, run the robot vacuum (I love the robot vacuum + mop!), fluff pillows on couches, fold blankets, wipe down all counters, do the dishes, and quickly pickup bathrooms using my cleaning bathroom hacks.
Spend some extra time decluttering or re-organizing an area that has gotten out of hand so you won’t be stressed for the week.
Use Sunday to focus on an area of your home that needs organizing.
Having an organized home directly relates to stress levels and how you feel about your home and the success of your week.
I realized that all of the clutter in my home was making me unfocused, agitated, and stressed.
So I spent lots of time organizing every area of my home and it has helped so much!
You will feel less stressed as a mom and more prepared for the upcoming new week! So take some deep breaths, grab a cup of coffee, it’s time for your Sunday Reset Routine!
I go in detail in my Genius Mom Hacks Guide how to successfully create a Sunday Reset Routine.
My Genius HOME Hacks Guide gives you all of the tools, and proven strategies to help overwhelmed and stressed moms eliminate their mom stress and get more done in less time.
Learn how to ditch the long to-do list, and instead, use effective routines and productive tools to get a home on autopilot so you can enjoy being a mom more.
4. Laundry
I absolutely do not like laundry, often wish I could just buy new clothes every week or buy a laundry service. (haha!) But since that is not my reality, as a family of 6, the only option is to be prepared and have a laundry routine.
I try to do one load of laundry every day or at a minimum every other day. I use my Monday Morning Routine to keep up on my laundry and not fall behind.
This rhythm for me has helped so much and has kept me from drowning in piles of laundry that will quickly happen as soon as I ignore the laundry.
You don’t have to do laundry every day if you have a smaller family, but having a rhythm to when you do your laundry is key.
I explain all of this with my genius laundry hacks, so check them out!
Wash, dry, fold and put away all of the kids laundry
My kids all have laundry baskets in the closets of their rooms that they use throughout the week. On Sunday it is their job to bring me all of their laundry.
I wash, dry it, and we ALL fold it, and reload their shoes hangers in their closet for their school/sports outfits for the entire week.
Having outfits picked out a head of time for the week ahead, helps me in the mornings when it’s hectic trying to get out the door for school.
For more laundry hacks, check out 7 Genius Laundry Hacks for Busy Moms!
Have Kids Help
It’s a team effort. Now that my kids are all 5 and older, together we fold their clothes, pick out their outfits for the week, and put them in their dressers.
But my goal is that all of the kids clothes for the entire week are washed and put away prior to heading in to the next week.

5. Plan Your Week
I pull out my phone and look at my google calendar and see what our families weekly schedule looks like, and our weekly to-do list for the week ahead. I make lists, get prepared and organized and do that all from my phone.
Have A Family Meeting
My husband and I will meet to go over the details of the week.
We will make sure we have both added everything to our calendar that is important for the upcoming week:
- Appointments
- Work meetings impacting afternoon and evening schedules
- School activities
- Kids activities
- Dinner meals planned
- Social events
Sync Calendars
My husband and I sync our calendars through Google calendars and we share Notes via our Apple phones to stay connected. A huge part of having good communication circulates around our schedules.
Be Realistic
When discussing pickups with kids, appointments, sports practices, kids games, and meetings, include drive time and transit time so you do not over book your time and can make sure you are on time.
My husband and I go over the week’s schedule so we can see where are gaps are, and if shifting needs to occur.
Time Management & Brain Dump
I write everything down that I need to do and get done for the week. I don’t want it just sitting in my head.
Once I write it down, each item will become a calendar event, added to a specific days to-do list, an errand or an action item. I will time block my week for these items and organize each day on what I will get done.
At the end of this exercise I will review my week to make sure each day will look balanced and have flexibility built in to it so that I am realistic about my week.
Related Post: Moms Need To Make Lists And Here’s The Most Efficient Way!

6. Have Groceries Delivered
This is such a huge time saver and one of my favorite Genius Mom Hacks. Switch to Online Shopping for your groceries to save both time and money. And it is so easy and convenient.
On my phone, usually from the comfort of my bed while I’m drinking my morning coffee, I quickly add my grocery list to my to shopping cart. I use and love it!
Many times, since our grocery orders are often the same every week (creatures of habits) I usually just re-order my previous weeks grocery list.
Then I check out with a delivery time for early afternoon, usually just after lunch around 1pm. All of this takes me only a few minutes, so easy, so simple and a HUGE time saver!
My groceries will be delivered right to my front door in a few short hours.
I avoided wasting hours at the grocery store, often forgetting items I needed and caving to impulse buying and spending way too much.
I love online grocery shopping and feel it is one of the best mom hacks for busy moms.
7. Food Prep / Meal Prep
Once my groceries have arrived, I put them away and start prepping the food for the week ahead. To avoid decision fatigue during the week I like to plan as much as I can. I will prep healthy snacks, breakfast items, lunch and dinner food too.
Food Prep
Food prep more than meal prep. It’s easier having lots of different types of food ready to go that can can be turn into many different quick meals.
Here are several Food Prep ideas:
Fruits and Veggies – This will include washing, cutting and storing. Then you have lots of fruits and veggies ready to eat for breakfast, snacks, lunches and dinners. This food prep alone will save you so much time all week long.
Meats – Thaw, season and cook chicken, pork, steak so its ready for the week ahead. Easy to throw on a salad, add to a burrito, or use in a dinner casserole.
Season and cook ground turkey meat or ground beef for your weekly Tuesday Tacos.
Sandwiches & Wraps – Make several different kinds, all freezer friendly. Easy to pull out morning for lunches. We even eat these for snacks and dinner on the go in the car.
Pancakes & Muffins – Make “healthy” pancakes and muffins for Sunday’s Brunch (after you sleep in) and double the recipe to have them for the week ahead.
Egg Bake – Make an egg bake for a quick healthy breakfast for the week.
I do feel food prepping is one of the biggest time savers in my weekly Sunday prep.

Meal Plan
Look ahead and plan out meals around your schedule for the upcoming week.
If your schedule is anything like mine, each day will look different on the time you have to cook dinner.
Identify the days that need quick meals, like a crockpot or tacos, and decide which days will be fast food, take out, door dash or a restaurant.
Have a “ready to-go, easy and quick” recipe meal list
Have a quick dinner list with meal ideas of ingredients you know you have in your house. They are staple foods and easy dinner ideas that could be whipped up in a last minutes notice with not much thought.
My go-to easy recipes meals:
- Taco Tuesday
- Definitely has become a weekly favorite in our household
- I prep the tomatoes, onion and meat at the beginning of the week
- Spaghetti
- With our without meat sauce, simple ingredients I always have on hand)
- Fajitas (crockpot)
- Chicken, peppers, onion and fajita seasoning, super easy
- IF you food prep peppers each week (like I do) this makes this recipe even easier.
- 3 ingredient Crockpot Chicken Tacos
- Chicken, Salsa and taco seasoning
All of these meals are family favorites, easy and I’ve made them so many times, they are my auto-pilot meals.

Invest in a Meal Delivery Service
I absolutely love meal services! While I know there are several available to choose from, our family has been happy costumers of Home Chef for over 3 years now.
Prior to deciding on Home Chef I checked out a few competitors, but landed on Home Chef because the meals came all prepped, lots of easy meals, quick time options, and over all my family liked the taste of their meals better.
Between Online Grocery Shopping, Meal Planning, Meal Prepping, having some quick ready-to-go meals, AND using a meal service, my weeks are SOOO much easier and less stressful!
For our big healtheir dinners we use HomeChef. This is an easy way to assure you are getting healthy yummy meals on the table in less than an hour.
I go on their app or website and pick all of the meals weeks in advance to save time.
So for the week of, I just need to see what meals are being shipped and how long are the prep times are so I can plan which days I will make each meal being shipped. For my family of 6, we order 3 meals that are 6 servings for each meal.
These meals almost always provide left overs, which provide great lunches for my husband the next day. Killing two birds with one stone. A healthy home cooked meal in minutes, and ready-to-go left overs for lunches.
I will plan out all of our meals so the week is not a surprise and I can avoid the dreaded feeling that I have 6 mouths to feed and I have no idea what I am making.

8. Exercise / Go for a walk / Spend some time outside
Spending some time outside in the fresh air, with or without your kids, has so many emotional and mental benefits. Our family likes to play football, ride bikes, going on a family walk. It doesn’t have to be long, a quick 20 minutes can be just what the body needs to feel reseted for the week ahead.
9. Treat Yourself
This is really up to the person. It might just be a simple bowl of ice cream, or a pedicure, but do something for YOU. It should feel a little something extra, a little indulgence. You survived the week and are ready to tackle the next. So live a little and treat yourself.

10. Self Care Sundays
Self Care is different for every person, but it’s important that you have personal time filling up your cup, before you head in to the next week.
For me I love freshening up my nails (mani & Pedi) with my home gel kit. I always do a Sunday face mask, hair mask, or some kind of skincare routine.
I am not much of a bath person, but I know many who love a nice long bubble bath with bath bombs. If it’s warm outside, relaxing poolside is definitely a self-care day for me. I love to spend my Sunday night with Self Care.
This is a great time to make YOU a priority before the week starts.
If you find yourself thinking “I hate being a mom“, chances are you are not making yourself enough of a priority.
11. Downtime from Social Media
Research agrees that there are many benefits from taking a break, or detox, from social media, and Sunday is the perfect day to do that.
I really enjoy unplugging and putting dedicated time and energy towards something else, like reading a good book. I am such a book worm!

12. Get Your Car Ready for the week
Lastly, fill up your gas tank and take your car and get it washed and cleaned.
This is a ‘newer’ item I started adding to my Sunday Routine and I now I’m obsessed with starting the week with a clean car.
I live in my car these days with all of the kids activites (pickup and drop off’s), so it is important that my car is ready to go Monday morning.
To me, making sure it is clean & organized with a full tank of gas, helps starts my week off right.
Want to know my Car Hacks? How I keep my car clean and organized as a busy mom with four young kids?
I created an easy and affordable workbook so busy and stressed moms can drive around in luxury. Having a clean car not filled with crumbs and messes impacts you more as a mom then you think.
What is a Sunday Reset Routine For Busy Moms?
This is a day dedicated to getting yourself prepped for the week ahead.
It doesn’t have to be on “Sunday”, it can be any day that makes most sense for your week and work schedule. It also doesn’t have to take an entire day and you don’t have to have a long lengthily list.
My Sunday Reset Routine some weeks is only a couple of hours.
Having a routine helps with consistency to regularly prep for your week ahead.
Why You Need A Sunday Reset Routine For Busy Moms?
Your week will be less chaotic, more organized if you have things prepped for the week ahead. With having a Sunday Routine, I am more prepared, organized and proactive in my week.
Everyone benefits from having a Sunday Reset routine.

Thoughts On Having A Sunday Reset Routine For Busy Moms
Congratulations on taking the first step to having a smoother and more productive week. It can take some time to get used to a Sunday reset routine, but it is definitely worth the effort.
Not only will this help you start your week off efficiently but it also allows you have more time for yourself in the end. And at the end of the day that’s what really matters.
Establishing a regular routine on Sundays helps us to be more productive throughout the week – minus the guilt!
Adding a Sunday Reset Routine is just the start, don’t forget to check out:
13 Important Routines that every busy mom should do!
Click HERE to learn how I eliminated my mom stress caused by the chaos of my home.
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Since mom life is already so buys, I do not spam, as I don’t have time for that. But my emails are loaded with free resources, efficient tips to make mom life easier, and of course lots of mom encouragement!
This post was all about having a Sunday Reset Routine for busy moms.
I would love to hear from you! Do you have a must do Sunday routine that you swear by? If so, leave a comment and share!
This post had a couple affiliate links. I make a small percentage of your purchase at no costs to you.