The Most Simple Home Management Tips for Busy Moms!
Do you always feel there are a million things around the house that need to get done but not enough time? This is something lots of moms struggle with. You aren’t alone, and these home management tips for moms will help!

Being a mom is a full-time job. With four young children, the last two being twins, there is always something requiring my attention.
From meal planning to cleaning, laundry, and taking care of the children, it can feel like there is not enough time in the day to get everything done.
Whether you are a full time working mom, or a stay-at-home mom, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed out.
Best Home Management Tips for Busy Moms!
These simple home management tips will help make home life feel easier.
1. Change Your Mindset
You need to treat the home management like a job. Become “CEO Mom”, take charge, delegate, outsource, & show up prepared.
You don’t show up to your career job unprepared, unorganized, not dressed professionally or late.
Often, the home management becomes secondary or “I will get to it later”, not making it a priority because we don’t see it as an important job.
So it doesn’t take long for home life to spiral out of control.
These next several tips will show you how to be prepared and manage your home efficiently.
Being a mom is hard, but winging motherhood, with no organization, unprepared is harder. Choose your hard.

2. Create Daily Routine(s) & Habits
How do you “tackle the day ahead” as CEO Mom? Do you have an established Morning Routine?
In working with many moms I often see stay-at-home moms waking up once their kids are up, not ready for the day ahead.
As Mom we need to prepare for the day ahead. Prepare our mind, attitude, plan our schedules, and home responsibilities.
The most important thing you can do as a mom, is be ready to show up for the “job”.
Which means waking up before your kids and focusing on these areas: Organization, Mindset, Nutrition, Energy & Confidence.
I am not a morning person, but have felt first hand in my journey as a mom of four the importance in this one small daily routine.
Habit stacking and creating routines are some of the most beneficial changes moms can make in their day to get more done and feel less stressed.
I love the book Atomic Habits by James Clear for amazing tips on how to create routines and habits.
Here are 13 Important Daily Routines For Moms:
- Morning Routine
- Evening Routine
- Daily Workout Routine
- Weekly Reset Routine
- Self Care Routine
- Meal Planning / Food Prepping Routine
- Time Management Routine
- Kids Routine
- Laundry Routine
- Cleaning Routine
- Car Cleaning Routine
Related: 13 Important Daily Routines for Moms
3. Have a Home Management System
With a home management system in place, as a busy mom you can stay on top of the household tasks without feeling like you are drowning in a sea of chaos.
Whether it’s setting up a weekly cleaning schedule, delegating tasks to family members, creating rules of the house, outsourcing, or utilizing various apps to streamline home management, having systems in place can make all the difference.
Our kids have a daily checklist so they know what their household chores are, and where to put their stuff.
You can create a Home Management Binder or inbox to store all of the important papers that come home for the kids and house. We have two. I have one in the office for our home bills and papers and one in the kitchen for the kids papers that come home from school.
Have weekly family meetings. Get together with your spouse and kids at the beginning of the week to go over the following:
- Upcoming week’s schedule
- Expectations of the week
- Extra curricular activities
- Family calendar
- Daily schedule
- Chore list
To keep a clean home on a daily basis requires all hands on deck, and family meetings are a great place to start to fold in the entire family for successful home management.

4. Create Daily To-Do Lists
A to-do list is a simple tool that can help you to stay organized and on track. It allows you to prioritize tasks and ensures that you don’t forget anything important.
Start with finding a planning tool that works for you.
Whether you prefer a physical planner or you like using your phone apps and computer, either option is great as long as it is what works best for you! If it’s not working, scrap it and find a different method.
Tips to create affective to-do lists:
- Only put the most urgent & important tasks on the list for that day
- A brain dump is a great mental activity, but is not affective for a daily list. Store a brain dump list in a different area, so you don’t get overwhelmed thinking you have to get 30 things done today.
- Only have 3-5 most important & specific tasks that you know you have the time and capacity to get down for that day
- Schedule three 20 min time blocks in your day that you will focus solely on getting the most important things done
- Rob Dial with The Mindset Mentor goes in to detail explaining the science behind the importance of small 20 min time block to focus on tasks. Take a listen!
Related: Moms Need To Make Lists And Here’s The Most Efficient Way!
5. Meal Planning
Planning your meals in advance can save you so much time and lots of money. You can plan your meals for the week on the weekend, and this will make grocery shopping easier.
Don’t wait till the 5 o’clock witching hour to decide what you are making for dinner.
Instead, at the beginning of your week, use a Sunday Reset Routine to help you with creating a menu plan, a grocery list, making sure you include some of your favorite meals that are quick and easy.
This one task every Sunday will save your sanity, will help your budget and you will eat more healthy food, since you will eat out less.
I’m a big advocate of switching to online shopping for all of your groceries, as it will save you so much time not going to the grocery store, it is very convenient and you will spend less on your groceries too.
It makes grocery shopping only takes minutes since you can re-purchase from previous weeks shopping list, and if your family is like mine, we tend to be creatures of habits, buying the same food each week.
Related: 5 Meal Planning Hacks – How I save HOURS Each week

6. Declutter Regularly
Clutter can make your home feel chaotic and stressful. By decluttering regularly, you can create a more organized and peaceful environment.
Decluttering doesn’t need to take weeks or months, in fact I think regularly daily decluttering, simplifying, organizing is a much better approach.
Often times it just comes down to asking yourself this one question: “Do I need it?” or “Have I used this item in the past 6 months?”
Right then you should be able to determine if this is something I keep or get rid of.
Princeton did a study that shows a direct link to stress and the mental health clutter and physical chaos cause when our home is not organized and picked up.
Related: 6 steps to simplify your home with decluttering and organizing
7. Set Up a Cleaning Schedule
A cleaning schedule can help you keep your home clean and organized. You can set aside specific days for different chores, such as laundry, vacuuming, and dusting.
Some cleaning schedule tips, do one load of laundry daily, this helps drastically eliminate the piles of laundry that feel very overwhelming and daunting at the end of the week. Create a laundry schedule and use these laundry hacks.
Related: The perfect cleaning schedule for a stay at home mom

8. Outsource / Ask For Help
Getting a little extra help as a mom is not a sign of weakness but strength.
No one person has more hours, we all have 24 hrs each day. We all desire to have the most quality time possible with our loved ones, especially our children.
If you are a working mom, you might find your available free time for your kids and family limited, so outsourcing may be the perfect solution you need to help with managing your home.
Here are several different outsourcing options:
- Meal delivery service: Meal delivery services can be a great way to save time and avoid meal planning and cooking. You can order healthy, pre-made meals that are delivered to your door.
- Grocery delivery service: Grocery delivery services can save you time and energy. You can order groceries online and have them delivered to your door.
- House cleaning service: House cleaning services can be a great way to save time, keep your home clean & organized, and help with deep cleaning.
- Laundry service: A laundry service can save you time and energy. You can drop off your dirty clothes and pick them up clean and folded.
- Meal prep service: Meal prep services can be a great way to save time and avoid meal planning and cooking. You can order healthy meals that are pre-cooked and delivered to your door.
Beyond outsourcing, feel empowered to delegate tasks to other family members. They can help with chores such as laundry, cleaning, and meal prep.
As moms, we tend to take on way more then we often should, carrying way too much of the household responsibilities and mental load. Get good at asking for help, delegating and prioritizing your time.
9. Create a budget
A budget is essential for managing your finances. By tracking your expenses, you can identify areas where you can save money and make adjustments as needed.
You can also set up recurring bill pay, recurring payments, and create subscriptions for services and products you buy regularly to save time and save brain space from constantly having to remember to do all of these little tasks that can be done for you.
10. Prioritize your time
Finally, it’s crucial to prioritize your time. You can identify the tasks that are most important and focus on them first. Minimize your distractions, like social media, keeping up with the “Jones”, and stay focused on the bigger picture, spending time with your family and what is most important for your family and the life you are creating.
For the best time management tips, check out 11 Genius Time Saving Hacks for a SAHM
As moms we are drowning in Motherhood, not because we don’t love being a “mom”, cuz we all LOVE our kids and would do anything for them. We are drowning because we were not prepared for all of the “AND / EXTRA” stuff that being a parent comes with… i.e: home management.
What Does Home Management Mean To You?
To me it means, managing the day to day responsibilities of running a household and organizing the chaos. So basically, everything. lol
The cleaning, meal planning, schedules, bill paying, laundry, etc…
So with some good home management skills, we can feel a LOT less stressed as busy moms.
Why Are Home Management Skills Important?
Home skills are important, because when our home is organized, meals are prepped, bills are paid, everything seems to run smoother, then you are a lot more happier and less stressed.
There is a lot of talk right now about women, especially moms, suffering from decision fatigue and overstimulation, causing many health concerns!
Having good and effective home management systems go beyond just a clean and picked up home. It directly impacts your overall health, affecting your mental, emotional and physical health. According to Forbes in their article, Mental health benefits of a clean home.
It can alleviate some of the pressure and stress you feel as a busy mom and help you create a more organized and peaceful home.
You’ve Learned the Tips, Now It’s Time To apply Them At Home
By learning how to manage your time, prioritize tasks, and delegate responsibilities, you can create a more streamlined and efficient household. Not only does this benefit you, but it also sets a positive example for your children and teaches them valuable life skills.
Investing in home management skills is crucial for any busy mom looking to maintain a happy and healthy household.
As a mom, when you are less stressed and happier, you will be able to have more patience. And really, this is what it all comes down to.
When we are stressed we lash out and don’t respond well to our kids and loved ones.
So managing your home well, matters. It’s all interconnected and often is a domino affect.
For more mom hacks & tips, check out 87 BEST Mom Hacks & Tips.
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Home management is an essential part of being a mom. By implementing these home management tips for moms, you can make your life easier, more organized, and less stressful.
Try one or more of these tips and see how they work for you.
I would love to hear from you, leave a comment, and share your favorite home management tips for moms below.