Daily Habits for Busy Moms to Be Healthy & Happy

Are you drowning in Motherhood? Can’t seem to manage all of the details each day? These daily habits for moms will make even the hardest days feel easier.  

daily habit staking list

From managing your kids’ schedules to keeping your household running smoothly, there never seems to be enough hours in the day to get everything done. However, with the right daily habits and routines, you can optimize your time and energy to make the most of each day.

In this blog post, we’ve put together a comprehensive list of 88 daily habits that every mom (working mom or stay-at-home mom) should consider incorporating into her life.

Establishing new daily habits takes time. Have patience with yourself, it won’t happen over night.

But there is a domino affect. Once you start seeing the results of your new habits, it gets easier to start stacking others on top of them. Small changes have big results. 

Small daily – seemingly insignificant – improvements, when done consistently over time, lead to STUNNING results” Robin Sharma

wake up before your kids is a good daily habit to start and be consistent with.

Daily Morning Habits For Moms

Do you have a mom morning routine?

How you start your morning is crucial to your day, especially as a busy mom. Are you a new mom with babies an toddlers? It is a good idea to start early on establishing a good morning routine.

1. Wake up early

Start your day before your kids wake up and have some quiet time to yourself. Drink a hot cup of coffee in peace and quiet before the hustle of the day, it will change your tone and attitude for the ay. 

2. Make your bed

A clean and tidy bedroom will set the tone for the rest of your day. It took me years to get on board with this little daily habit, and now I regret not doing it sooner. Such a simple, and easy but IMPACTFUL daily habit. 

3. Drink a glass of water

Hydration is key to staying energized throughout the day. Use large water bottles to track your daily intake of water. 

4. Practice gratitude

Start your day by thinking of three things you’re thankful for. It will help with so much with all the struggles and challenges of Motherhood. If you are struggling and feeling like you “hate being a mom“, daily gratitude is so important. You can go from being in a bad mood, to a good mood immediately. 

5. Stretch or meditate

Take a few moments to center yourself before tackling the day ahead.

6. Exercise

Daily exercise will give you the energy you will need to to manage your kids for the day. As a mom of four children, all born within three years of each other, daily exercise gives me the endorphins (energy) I need to keep up with my kids and have more patience to handle the tantrums, fighting and challenges that I face everyday as a busy mom. 

Need help getting started?

When I really boil down my stress, I realize a lot my stress revolves around lack of routines, and a chaotic home-life.

Do you feel this way too?

I started to add a few important routines and tackle my home-life and I’ve been shocked at the results!

I couldn’t just keep these hacks to myself, so I built a brand, a website and several workbooks dedicated to helping moms simplify motherhood and calm the chaos.

Genius Mom Hacks Workbook

7. Get ready everyday

As a busy mom, it can be hard to make yourself a priority and spend a few extra minutes each day getting yourself ready. But it matters! To be a happy mom, the best version of yourself, you need feel good about yourself and how you look. Spend some extra time in your morning routine getting yourself ready for the day. 

Related Post: Getting Ready hacks for busy moms

8. Plan your day

Write down your to-do list and schedule in any appointments or activities. Write down the top 2-3 most important things that need to get done that day and focus on just doing those. I like to get them done first thing in the morning after I am ready for the day. It feels good as a mom to accomplish a couple important tasks everyday. 

meal prepping and meal planning are great daily habits to start as a busy mom.

Healthy Lifestyle Daily Habits

When it comes to our well-being, prioritizing self-care is essential for both our mental and physical health – something that deserves priority.

Here are some great tips if you’re looking to make healthier lifestyle habits part of your daily routine.

9. Meal prep

Plan out your meals for the week ahead and meal prep as much as possible in advance.

10. Make healthy food choices

Fuel your body with nourishing foods to maintain energy and focus.

11. Stay active

Incorporate exercise into your daily routine, even if it’s just a short walk. Your physical health is important. 

12. Have daily self care habits

Make time for things that make you feel good, like reading or taking a bubble bath.

Practice self-care. Use skincare products or take a relaxing bath to unwind.

13. Connect with your partner

Schedule regular date nights or check-ins to strengthen your relationship.

stay connected with friends. build great mom friends.

14. Connect with friends

Make time for socializing and connecting with friends. Adult conversation is needed as a mom. It will help you feel connected and to know you are not alone as a mom. Stay connected and try not to isolate yourself. 

15. Limit social media use

Set boundaries around social media to avoid draining your time and energy.

16. Take a daily vitamin

Ensure you’re getting all your essential nutrients.

Get regular check-ups: Schedule regular health check-ups to stay on top of your health.

17. Get regular exercise

Exercise regularly to maintain physical and mental health.

get outside daily. fly kites, enjoy the sun and nature. its good for the soul.

18. Get outside daily

Especially if you are a SAHM with young kids, make sure you get outside daily. Vitamin D & nature can make a world of a difference in your day.

19. Connect with fellow moms

Join a mom’s group or online community to connect with other moms.

20. Make time for yourself

Carve out time for self-care, hobbies, or alone time.

21. Practice saying no

Set boundaries by saying no to things that don’t align with your values.

22. Volunteer

Give back to your community by volunteering your time and talents. To date, I still reflect and am so grateful for my time volunteering and leading a table of women at MOPS when my four kids were babies and toddlers.

23. Practice good posture

Seems trivial, but as moms, we spend a lot of time hunched over taking care of kids. When possible, be mindful of your posture. Take care of your body by sitting up straight and standing tall.

Your mental thinking habits are very important for moms

Daily Habits That Impact Your Mental Health

24. Learn something new

Challenge your mind by reading a book on a topic that interests you.

25. Stay informed on your industry

Stay up-to-date on industry trends and news.

26. Learn new skills

Challenge yourself by learning new skills, taking courses, going back to school, learning a new hobby.

27. Attend to your mental health

Take care of your mental health with counseling or therapy if needed.

28. Practice self-reflection

Take time to reflect on your thoughts and actions.

29. Use gentle reminders

Use gentle reminders or prompts to keep yourself on track.

30. Practice self-discipline

Hold yourself accountable and practice self-discipline.

31. Give yourself grace

Allow room for mistakes and self-forgiveness.

32. Use positive self-talk

Speak kindly to yourself and focus on your strengths.

33. Practice empathy

Put yourself in others’ shoes and practice compassion.

34. Listen to music

Create a playlist of your favorite tunes to boost your mood.

35. Practice mindfulness

Pay attention to the present moment and reduce stress.

having a grateful journal is very helpful to your mindset as a mom and a good daily habit

36. Keep a gratitude journal

Write down three things you’re grateful for each day.

Productivity Daily Habits

37. Prioritize your tasks 

Tackle your most important tasks first to avoid procrastination and overwhelm.

38. Take breaks 

Step away from your work periodically to give your mind and body a rest.

39. Batch your tasks 

Group similar tasks together to streamline your efficiency.

40. Focus on one thing at a time 

Multitasking can be counterproductive – give your full attention to each task.

41. Use a timer 

Set a timer for a specified amount of time to keep yourself focused and on task. I call this “Race The Clock” or “The Power of 20”, and it is magical. I use this with my kids to motivate them to help me pick up the house real quick. I also use this to focus on a designated task, like organizing and decluttering a closet.

42. Delegate tasks 

Don’t hesitate to ask for help from your spouse or family members. Outsourcing is another great way to delegate.

If finances allow it, hire a house cleaner, switch to online delivery for your groceries, a meal delivery service, they can really help in reduce the mental load moms carry.

everyday make a specific to do list

43. Keep a daily to-do list

Prioritize your tasks for the day and ensure they’re achievable. 3-5 tasks each day. Too long of a list leads to overwhelm and discouragement when you can’t complete them all.

44. Unsubscribe from emails

Clean out your email inbox and unsubscribe from unnecessary emails. This is definitely an area I need to be better at.

45. Keep a clean and organized purse

Keep your purse tidy and organized for easy access to items you need.

46. Set goals

Set achievable goals for yourself to work towards.

47. Optimize your commute time

Use your commute time to listen to podcasts or audiobooks.

48. Take care of your car

Maintain your car for safety and longevity.

49. Clean car

Keep your car tidy and clean to avoid chaos and clutter. What comes in must come out.

having a clean and picked up home helps with your stress as a busy mom

Daily Habits For Your Home Life

Is your house a mess? It feels chaotic, cluttered, messy, disorganized? 

Did you know your home life directly impacts stress levels in your body? Princeton did a study, and I quote “distractions in our visual environment can impede our brains’ ability to function.” Your home environment impacts your ability to focus and can add to stress. 

50. Keep a clean and tidy home

A clutter-free space can help you feel calmer and more productive.

51. Run robot vacuum daily

52. Declutter your home

Get rid of any unnecessary items in your home.

53. Be mindful of your environmental impact

Practice eco-friendly habits like recycling or composting.

54. Use natural cleaning products

Opt for natural cleaning products to avoid harmful chemicals.

evening routines are great habits for busy moms

Evening Daily Habits For Moms

At the end of the day do these daily evening habits to set your next day up for success. Your morning routine is only as good as your evening routine

55. Get a good night’s sleep 

Prioritize adequate sleep to feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Getting enough sleep (7-8 hours daily) is one of the best habits you can create for yourself. Sleep deprivation can have some serious negative impacts on your body. 

Are you a mom of young children? Do you have many sleepless nights? Your children are waking you up all night long, you are tired and need some help. These resources are for you!

Introduce Sleep Schedules Early

Benefits of Individual Play and what is it

Do the hard work and establish wake times, sleep schedules and sleep training. It is possible. I have four very different sleepers and I successfully established great sleep schedules for my kids. This is a win/win for the entire family. Your children need sleep and so do you. 

56. Keep a consistent bedtime

Maintain a consistent bedtime routine to promote healthy sleep habits.

57. Take breaks from technology

Disconnect from technology periodically to reduce stress.

58. Journal

Write down your thoughts, feelings, or ideas to work through them. 

daily habits as moms can have huge impacts in your kids lives.

Daily Habits That Impact Your Kids

59. Read to your kids

Spend time reading to your kids each day to foster a love of reading.

60. Help with homework

Assist your kids with their homework to stay involved in their education.

61. Set screen time limits

Limit your kids’ screen time to ensure they’re engaging in other activities.

62. Encourage outdoor time

Foster a love of nature by encouraging your kids to spend time outside.

63. Make time for play

Be intentional in spending time with your kids. Set aside dedicated playtime with your kids each day. I like to schedule quality time with my kids in my calendar so I treat it like an appointment and make it a priority. 

64. Give positive affirmations

Encourage your kids with positive affirmations and praise.

65. Limit sugary snacks

Opt for healthier snacks to keep your kids’ energy levels stable.

66. Encourage creativity

Provide opportunities for your kids to engage in art or other creative pursuits.

eating dinner together as a family is a wonderful daily habit

67. Have family dinners

Make family time a priority and one of the best ways to do that is having daily dinners together to foster connection and communication.

68. Help your kids with chores

Involve your kids in age-appropriate household tasks to teach responsibility.

69. Stay hydrated

Encourage your kids to drink enough water throughout the day to stay hydrated.

70. Practice good hygiene

Take care of your personal hygiene and grooming.

71. Practice gratitude with your family

Encourage your kids to share what they’re thankful for each day.

72. Prioritize positive self-talk

Encourage your kids to speak kindly to themselves.

73. Help your kids problem-solve

Teach your kids how to problem-solve by coming up with solutions together.

74. Encourage a growth mindset

Teach your kids that failures or setbacks are opportunities for growth.

75. Practice active listening

Take the time to listen attentively to your kids.

76. Encourage physical activity

Provide opportunities for your kids to engage in sports or other physical activities.

77. Set boundaries

Teach your kids the importance of setting and respecting boundaries.

model healthy habits for your children to learn

78. Model healthy habits

Lead by example and model healthy habits for your kids.

79. Encourage independence

Teach your kids how to do things for themselves as they grow.

80. Create a consistent routine

Routines help kids feel secure and can make for a smoother day.

81. Practice effective discipline

Discipline with empathy and respect, avoiding shaming or physical punishment.

82. Use positive reinforcement

Praise your kids for good behavior to encourage more of it.

83. Stay present

Be fully present in the moment with your kids.

84. Be patient

Practice patience and empathy in your interactions with your kids.

85. Bite your tongue

Choose your battles wisely and avoid nitpicking or micromanaging.

86. Practice forgiveness

Forgive yourself and your kids for mistakes made.

87. Lead by example

Model kindness, empathy, and positive habits for your kids and others.

88. Practice active listening

Listen attentively to your spouse or family members.

Daily Habits For Moms Closing Thoughts

By taking the time to build healthy habits and routines into your day, you can achieve the long-term wellbeing you deserves. Daily habits for moms should focus on self-care, time management, and prioritizing important tasks over the leisure activities.

Making small (but consistent) changes in your routine can lead to bigger results and a better lifestyle in the long run.

All moms are capable of reaching their goals if they follow these tips! So take heart and remember that it will be challenging at times, but is worth it. And don’t forget to take some ‘me’ time – trust us, you deserve it!

For more mom hacks to make life easier, sign up for my Genius Mom Hacks newsletter to be sent to your inbox monthly.

Since mom life is already so busy, I do not spam, as I don’t have time for that. I send 1-2 emails per month loaded with free resources, efficient tips to make mom life easier and of course lots of mom encouragement!

This post was all about daily habits for moms.

Being a mom is busy, sometimes a few good time saving hacks can make all the difference.

I would love to hear from you, leave a comment, and share your favorite hacks below.

This post was all about Daily Habits for Moms.

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