Quick Cleaning Bathroom Hacks
Does your bathroom always smell? Are the toilets always stained with pee? Follow these quick bathroom cleaning hacks and your bathrooms will STAY clean and smell amazing!

These Quick Cleaning Bathroom Hacks have made such a difference in my bathrooms smelling and looking great!
I have three young boys and until I had a bathroom routine, I always felt like my bathrooms constantly smelled like pee and were so gross and dirty.
This is NOT a deep clean, but a quick wipe down that only takes 5 minutes daily.
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Have A Quick Cleaning Bathroom Routine or Rhythm
My kids can dirty a bathroom in a matter of minutes, so for the two bathrooms my kids use, I daily go through them and quickly wipe them down with these cleaning hacks.
I make sure I daily USE these bathrooms and while I am in there I quickly grab a Clorox wipe and wipe down the toilet.
I hide Clorox wipes behind the toilet & baby wipes in the drawer to use as my quick wipe down.

To save time, quickly wipe down the bathroom after you use it daily. You are already there, and if you daily do this routine, it will become so natural you won’t even realize you are cleaning a bathroom.
Grab a Clorox wipe and quickly wipe down toilet, the floor around the toilet and the counter.
This only takes a minute, but will keep you from needing to deep clean as often.
Baby wipes are great for wiping down counters if a Clorox wipe is not needed, or wiping down toothpaste off of the mirror and in the sink.
Rotate through the different bathrooms daily, or at least several times per week, to complete a quick wipe down of each bathroom.
Even if you don’t have babies in your home anymore to wipe bottoms, baby wipes are very useful and versatile. I use them from taking make-up off my face, to cleaning counters and kids dirty faces. Don’t stop that auto-subscription just yet!
Related Post: 63 Genius ways to use baby wipes
Pick up anything on the floor & counters
Before you leave, quickly put away anything on the courters and floors.
Pick up clothes on the floor, hang up towels, make sure those stinky socks are in the laundry room. Dirty socks left by tiny feet can make a bathroom smell quickly.
Stock Each Bathroom For A Quick Clean
So many times I am cleaning a bathroom and realize I don’t have the needed supplies in THAT bathroom. They were stored somewhere else in my house (laundry room, linen closet, a different bathroom), and I would either lose time hunting down the supplies, or lose motivation and decide “I’ll do it later”.
Does that sound like you?
Have all of the needed supplies stored in EACH bathroom of your home.
This allows for spontaneous cleaning AND daily quick cleaning. It is way easier to quickly clean throughout the week than one planned deep cleaning day in which you focus on cleaning all of the bathrooms.
Here are the cleaning supplies to store in each bathroom:
- Clorox wipes
- Toilet Cleaner
- Hand Soap Refill
- Baby wipes
- Trash bags
- Extra toilet paper
- Toilet scrub brush
- Windex
- Extra wash cloths & towels
- Tilex Shower spray if bathroom has a shower
- Magic Eraser
- Squeegee for shower
I stock every bathroom in my house with all of the extras for quick easy cleaning.
Having the bathroom cleaning supplies easily available will help in sticking to the routine of quickly wiping the bathroom down after using it.
Have a “Kids Only” and “Adults only” Bathrooms

If you have more than one bathroom AND you have children, have a “Kids Only” bathroom and “Adult ONLY or Guests” bathroom that they don’t use.
Encourage kids to regularly use “their” bathroom, especially if you have boys. This will dramatically help with keeping one bathroom clean all of the time.
Children can dirty a bathroom in a matter of minutes.
It’s nice to know you have one bathroom that at any moment is clean when friends or guest stop by, especially if dropping by unannounced.
Buy and use a fragrance plug in
Everything always feels more clean in the house when the home smells good.
I have a plug in right in my entry and in each bathroom and I get so many compliments from guests walking into my home and loving the inviting smell I have.
I’m picky with my fragrance, but I recently found a couple that I love from Bath and Body Works.
I have one in my boy’s bathroom and it helps make the bathroom smell so inviting.
I got a plugin with the adjustable control so you can decide how much fragrance is being released, I highly recommend it.
These simple bathroom hacks have helped me keep my bathrooms regularly cleaned and smelling great. By regularly cleaning my bathrooms I don’t have to do a deep clean as often.
Run the Robot Vacuum DAILY
I daily run the robot vacuum and the robot vacuum cleans all of my bathroom floors daily. This saves me hours of having to sweep, mom and daily vacuum all of the vacuums. It also allows me to stretch out the deep clean that is needed since I daily maintain and quick clean the bathrooms.
If you don’t have a robot vacuum, this is a great buy and will save you hours in cleaning.
Quick Cleaning Bathroom Hacks For Your Shower
Here are some quick cleaning shower hacks that you can use daily or weekly to keep your showers clean and lessen the amount of deep cleaning you will have to do.

Keep a Magic Eraser in the shower to clean
Magic Erasers can deep clean everything from tile grout to marker off of your wall in seconds. You can use it to quickly clean grout in the shower or tub before taking a shower yourself. I love multi-tasking and this is 100% how I usually clean my showers, right before I use it.
Use a shower squeegee daily
If you don’t already wipe down your glass door to your shower daily, it’s time to start. A squeegee will ensure you remove all of the soap scum and water marks left on the glass so you don’t have to clean the shower as often.
Use a dryer sheet to get rid of soap scum
I love a good shower squeegee and use mine daily to make sure water is not left behind to leave water marks on the glass. But in the event you forget to regularly use yours, use a dryer sheet to get rid of that frustrating soap scum.
Prevent water stains on shower doors with auto glass water repellent (like Rain-X)
Since it repels water it’s a great way to eliminate soap scum and water stains on your shower glass. Make sure you thoroughly clean your shower doors first prior to a glass water repellent.
Keep a soap-dispensing dish brush in the shower to clean on the go
I hate deep cleaning, so if I can do little cleaning daily or multiple times a week to stretch out the time I need to deep clean, I am all about it. This is one of those genius cleaning hacks. Use a soap-dispensing dish brush while in the shower waiting for your conditioner to set, clean the tile and grout.
Clean grout with a bleach pen
A tide bleach stick can also clean your grout in your shower or on your counters. Put the pen along the grout line and then let it set overnight. Use a sponge or cloth with warm water to wipe it clean.

DIY Bathroom Cleaning Hacks
Looking for some homemade quick cleaning hacks for your bathroom? Here are some easy DIY to keep your bathrooms clean.
Scrub the tub with grapefruit and salt
Splash water all over your tub including the sides. Cut the grapefruit in half and sprinkle each half with coarse sea salt. Then, scrub the tub with the grapefruit, and end with rinsing the entire tub.
Clean windows with vinegar and rubbing alcohol
To keep your windows sparkling clean, use two parts vinegar and one part rubbing alcohol to clean your windows. Wipe with a microfiber cloth.
Shine your chrome faucet with a piece of wax paper
Rub a piece of wax paper all over the chrome faucet to remove any water spots or stains. The wax leaves a protective layer that helps prevent future buildup.
Add baking soda to the toilet bowl
A little baking soda can go a long way and is effective because it’s abrasive. Store some in a container it in the bathroom for a quick grab.
Use toothpaste to remove soap scum
Use toothpaste and an old toothbrush to remove soap scum in the bathroom.
Whether you have DIY cleaners or you stick to the store bought products, use these easy and quick cleaning bathroom hacks to keep your bathrooms sparkling and smelling great!
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What other tips would you add to this list? Share your best bathroom mom hacks in the comments below.