First Meals for BLW at 6 Months Tips + What to Know
Getting started with baby-led weaning (BLW) scares many parents. If you are in that boat, know you are not alone. In this post, we will cover what to know about BLW at 6 months as well as some of the best first meal/food ideas for BLW.

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I learned about BLW right in time to try it on my twins, and hands down I loved baby led weaning more than the traditional introducing of foods.
I think for multiples (twins and more) it is so much easier then individually spoon feeding each baby.
While I do feel all four of my kids are “good eaters” and not picky eaters, I have noticed that the twins are more willing to try new foods and do not have any food allergies.
My first two children I did the traditional spoon fed method, because I hadn’t learned of BLW yet, and while I can’t prove if it is directly related to how the twins were exposed to food differently, I feel it is.
If you love this style of post, you might enjoy my post packed with some genius mom tips and tricks!
Disclosure: I am not a baby-led weaning specialist or doctor. I am simply someone who has done BLW, loved it, done the research and decided to share the wealth of knowledge that I have learned along the way.
Please seek out advice from your own pediatrician before getting started with baby-led weaning.
What is Baby Led Weaning?
Baby-led weaning is an amazing and empowering approach to introducing your baby to solid foods.
Instead of the traditional method of spoon feeding purees, or infant cereals, baby-led weaning lets your little one take the lead in exploring and enjoying a wide variety of foods right from the start.
Many parents are opting for this method of baby feeding because it is easier and you can modify the food you are already making to share with your baby.
I know, that might sound a little scary. Choking hazards are a real thing! But there are also many benefits to BLW at 6 months.
Here’s why BLW is so awesome:
- Independence: Baby-led weaning encourages your baby to be in control of their eating experience. They get to pick up, touch, and taste foods at their own pace.
- Exploration: Your baby gets to know different textures, tastes, and shapes of foods, which can help develop their palate and make them more adventurous eaters as they grow.
- Family Bonding: It’s a fantastic way to include your baby in family mealtimes right from the beginning. Enjoying a meal with the rest of the family will make the baby so happy! They can join in on the fun and develop social eating skills which are so important from a young age.
- Motor Skills: Baby-led weaning promotes the development of fine motor skills as your baby learns to pick up and handle food. It’s like a mini sensory and coordination workout!
- Healthy Eating Habits: This approach encourages your baby to eat when they’re hungry and stop when they’re full, helping to establish healthy eating habits early on.
- No Stress: There’s less pressure on you and your baby. Mealtimes become relaxed and enjoyable for both of you.
Baby-led weaning is all about letting your baby explore the world of food in a safe and enjoyable way. It’s a journey filled with smiles, messy faces, and lots of wonderful discoveries.

When to Start Baby Led Weaning?
The ideal time to begin your baby’s exciting journey with baby-led weaning is around 6 months of age. This is when most babies have reached important developmental milestones.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends “Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months. There is no need to introduce infant formula or other sources of nutrition for most infants. Beyond 6 months, breastfeeding should be maintained along with nutritious complementary foods.” – (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2022).
Why Start BLW at 6 Months?
The age of 6 months is like a magical milestone in your baby’s development.
It’s not just an arbitrary number; there are many signs of readiness, and here are some fantastic reasons to wait until this stage before diving into baby-led weaning.
Here are some reasons to begin BLW at 6 months:
- Stronger and Safer: At 6 months, your baby’s neck and core muscles have become stronger, allowing them to sit up independently and hold their head steady. This is crucial for safe self-feeding adventures! No wobbling or tipping over!
- Developmental Readiness: Around 6 months, your little one’s digestive system has matured, making it better equipped to handle solid foods. Their tiny kidneys are also more efficient at processing the nutrients found in food.
- Your baby’s pincer grasp are developed and are able to hold and grab food.
- Breast milk or Formula Power: Before 6 months, your baby’s primary source of nutrition should be breastmilk or formula. These provide essential nutrients and calories that are still vital for their growth and development. Starting solids too early might fill up their tummy and limit their intake of important milk feeds.
- Reduced Allergy Risk: Waiting until 6 months may also reduce the risk of allergies and digestive issues. It allows your baby’s immune system to mature, making them less likely to have adverse reactions to foods.
- Encourages exploration of new foods and usually helps avoids future picky eaters.
So, waiting until 6 months gives your baby the best possible start on their baby-led weaning adventure. It ensures they are physically and developmentally ready for the exciting world of solid foods while keeping their nutrition and safety a top priority. Get ready for some fantastic, colorful, and delicious adventures ahead!
What to Know About BLW at 6 Months?
Baby-led weaning is all about letting your baby take the lead, explore new tastes and textures, and develop a healthy relationship with food right from the start. It’s a fun and empowering way to encourage your baby’s independence and natural curiosity about food.
Let’s dive into some baby-led weaning tips and tricks to get you started on this amazing adventure!
- Safety First: Before you start, ensure your baby is developmentally ready for solids. This typically happens around 6 months, when they can sit up, have good head control, and show an interest in food. Again, confirm such with your own pediatrician.
- The Right Gear: Invest in some baby-friendly utensils and dishes, like silicone bibs, this must use sippy cup holder strap, small spoons, and plates. And don’t forget the trusty high chair!
- Choose Nutrient-Rich Foods: Offer a variety of real food like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Aim for a rainbow of colors on the plate!
- Finger Foods Rule: Cut or prepare food in ways that are easy for your baby to grasp, using their pincer grasp, and explore with their little fingers. Think sticks, wedges, long strips, or soft chunks. This will lessen the choking hazard.
- Mealtime is Playtime: Encourage your baby to play with their food! Let them squish, smear, and explore the textures. It’s all part of the learning process.
- Family Meals Matter: Include your baby in family meals as much as possible. They’ll learn by watching you eat and enjoy the social aspect of dining together.
- Skip the Salt and Sugar: Avoid adding salt and sugar to your baby’s food. Their taste buds are sensitive, and it’s best to keep things as natural as possible.
- Be Patient and Relaxed: Remember, it’s all about the journey, not the destination. Some days your baby might eat more, and others less. That’s completely normal.
- Stay Safe: Always supervise your baby during mealtime and be mindful of choking hazards. Avoid small, hard foods like nuts and popcorn. Also, be aware of any food allergies or allergenic foods in the family. Your baby might have the same allergic reactions. Discuss these first with your pediatrician.
- Breastmilk or Formula First: Continue offering breastmilk or formula as your baby’s primary source of nutrition until they are one year old.
- It can be a lot more messier, so be prepared, but the right bibs and place the highchair over tile, not carpet.

Choking is a big concern when it comes to starting baby led weaning at 6 months of age. Gagging is likely something you will experience with your baby as their gag reflex is tested. If you baby gags, it usually is totally fine and normal! Check out this post for the difference between gagging and choking when baby led weaning.
Another thing to be aware of is the common allergens that you should slowly introduce to your baby.
The top allergens new parents should be aware of for BLW include:
- Cow’s Milk: Avoid introducing cow’s milk as a main drink before 12 months. However, small amounts in cooked dishes like mashed potatoes or oatmeal are generally fine.
- Eggs: Cook eggs thoroughly, and you can start with well-cooked yolks before introducing egg whites.
- Peanuts: Peanut allergies can be severe, so it’s wise to consult your pediatrician before introducing peanut-containing foods. Some doctors recommend introducing peanut products around 6 months to reduce the risk of allergies.
- Tree Nuts: Tree nuts like almonds, cashews, and walnuts should be introduced with caution and in forms that are easy for your baby to manage, like finely ground or as nut butter.
- Fish: Fish is a common allergen, so it’s a good idea to introduce it gradually and in small portions. Ensure it’s boneless and well-cooked.
- Shellfish: Shellfish, like shrimp and crab, should also be introduced with care, starting with a well-cooked and easily manageable portion.
- Soy: Soy is another potential allergen. If you’re introducing soy products, make sure they’re age-appropriate and in moderation.
- Wheat: Some babies may have wheat allergies, so introduce wheat products like bread and pasta cautiously.
- Sesame: Sesame is an emerging allergen, so be mindful when introducing foods containing sesame seeds or sesame oil.
- Mustard: Mustard can also be allergenic, so introduce it with caution.
Best Baby-Led Weaning Foods and Meals for 6 Month Olds
When you get started with BLW at 6 months, it is a great idea to first introduce nutrient dense foods before moving onto simple meals. Here are some food and meal ideas for 6 month olds!
Best First Foods for 6 Month Olds:
Getting started with simple foods for BLW at 6 months is a great idea. It is a good idea to begin with soft foods and work your way into introducing more tough foods such as chicken or mango. Remember, strips and smaller pieces are best!
I used microwave steam bags to quickly soften harder foods like potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, and still use these bags today even though we are years past BLW.
Whole foods are a great place to begin when it comes to the first month of baby led weaning.
Here are some simple food ideas that are great to start with:
- Steamed Broccoli: Broccoli is packed with nutrients and has a great texture for baby’s exploration.
- Avocado Slices: Avocado is creamy and full of healthy fats, making it an excellent choice for one of the first BLW foods.
- Sweet Potato Wedges: Soft, roasted sweet potatoes cut in the form of wedges, are easy to handle and taste delicious.
- Banana Slices: Bananas are naturally sweet and easy for babies to hold. This would be a simple option that requires minimal prep.
- Cooked Carrot Sticks: Carrots are nutritious and can be steamed or roasted until tender. Buy the frozen bags and steam them up to serve all week!
- Cucumber Sticks: Cool cucumber sticks are refreshing and provide a crunchy texture.
- Pea Pods: Steamed pea pods are small and easy for little fingers to pick up.
- Toast Soldiers: Lightly toasted strips of whole-grain bread are great for gripping and eventually they can serve as a base to add spreads like jams, butters, or cream cheese.
- Soft Cooked Pasta: Opt for pasta shapes like spirals or penne that are easy to grab.
- Oatmeal Fingers: Cooked oatmeal can be cooled and cut into fingers for a soft, chewable texture.
- Strips of Cooked Chicken: Make sure they’re cooked thoroughly and cut into thin strips for gripping.
- Ripe Mango Slices: Mango is sweet and juicy, offering a tropical twist.
- Slices of Pear: Choose ripe pears that are soft and easy to bite. Cut them into graspable strips.
- Cooked Peaches: Soft, cooked peach slices are a tasty option.
- Steamed Zucchini Sticks: Zucchini is mild in flavor and has a soft texture when steamed.
- Blueberries: These tiny, nutrient-packed fruits can be a delightful addition. Make sure to squish them yourself before serving.
- Cooked Quinoa: Quinoa is a nutritious grain that can be cooked and served in small portions.
- Cottage Cheese: Soft and protein-packed, it’s a great choice for a dairy introduction.
- Mashed Pumpkin: Cooked and mashed pumpkin has a mild, sweet taste.
- Cooked Spinach Leaves: Steam or wilt spinach for a nutritious, green option.
Baby Led Weaning Meals for 6 Month Olds:
Introducing baby led weaning does not have to mean boring meals for the family. Dinner time is the best time to introduce your baby to a variety of foods and textures! Try out your normal family meals, but leave out the added salts and sugars for your baby’s portion.
Here are some easy recipes to include in your family mealtime that are perfect soft finger foods with important nutrients that the whole family can enjoy!
Here are some simple-ingredient foods:
Slow Cooker Applesauce
Applesauce is a great simple meal idea for babies getting started with baby led weaning. Check out this delicious slow cooker homemade applesauce recipe here.

Homestyle Mac and Cheese
Mac and cheese is a simple meal idea that the whole family will enjoy. This is a great BLW meal idea! Here is a yummy homestyle mac and cheese recipe.

Creamy Low Calorie Mashed Potatoes
Mashed potatoes are a family favorite and will soon become a baby’s favorite! Check out this simple low calorie, creamy mashed potatoes recipe.

Baby Led Weaning Hummus
Crafting your very own hummus tailored for babies and toddlers offers a superbly simple and budget-friendly solution for a nourishing meal or snack. It proves especially fantastic for those embracing the baby-led weaning approach! Here is an easy BLW friendly hummus recipe!

Mini Banana Pancakes
Breakfast for dinner is a family staple. Include your baby with these yummy mini pancakes that are BLW approved! Here is a simple banana pancake recipe for BLW

Baby Led Weaning Friendly Meatballs
These straightforward 4-ingredient meatballs, ideal for baby-led weaning and toddler feeding, not only boast a simple preparation process but also offer a nutritious twist on the classic meatball recipe. Here is a yummy BLW friendly meatball recipe for the family!

There are so many food options for BLW, and that is part of the huge attraction to it.
If you are ready to begin the introduction of solid foods, the best way is to take things slow and take baby’s lead.
I hope you found this list of information for BLW at 6 months old helpful and that the food ideas and recipes give you a great place to start!
The baby led weening method has grown so much, and there is lot more information and books available then when I first tried it back in 2017. If you are looking to follow a book, here’s a good one.
Simple & Safe Baby Led Weening
Not only is BLW great to start introducing at 6 months old, but so is Individual Play (AKA solitary play). Have you heard of it?
It’s a mom hack that is priceless and you can use for years moving forward. Check it out! Benefits of solitary play and how to begin.
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