Finding Simplicity in the Chaos
Finding Simplicity in the Chaos
Certified Life Coach / Mom Coach
It will probably surprise you on HOW it happened!
This may sounds extreme, but getting my home on autopilot, eliminating my mom stress caused by the chaos of my home, has been life changing for me as a busy mom of four kids, all close age gaps, with twins!
So here’s the backstory, before I had the twins, I was a very overwhelmed mom of a baby & toddler (18 mo apart). My husband worked a lot and I felt stressed.
One day when “trying” to put towels away with a baby on my hip and toddler at my feet, in an over stuffed linen closet I lost it. The towels fell to the ground and unraveled right in front of me. All that work completely wasted. I fell to the ground crying, overwhelmed, & angry.
I looked around my messy chaotic home, and realized it was my HOME that was causing me my overwhelm & stress and not my 2 young children like I thought. (even before the twins came!)
I tried different things, like ruthless decluttering, reorganizing with fancy bins, and making huge long to do lists, but none of these things kept the mess away and worked. The messes always came back. .
Being home all the time and living in an unorganized chaotic home, with lots of babies and toddlers, was having its toll on me. Something needed to change!
I added efficient routines & productivity tools that actually worked to get my home on autopilot.!
This one change was game changing💃
Routines are easier for our brain. They become autopilot, things we naturally know to do once you create the habits.
This is important as a busy mom because you will use less brain energy and these tasks will naturally get done with minimal effort.
And yes, I know, systems & routines doesn’t sound sexy, but as a mom of four kids, I would rather do something that works, than what sounds sexy. And let me tell you, the right systems & routines WORK!
Now, fast forward 8 years…
I have four kids (including TWINS), all ten yrs old and under, busier then ever but …
I have:
✨Eliminated the overwhelm and stress plagued by most moms
✨ I Get HOURS of “me” time each week without having my kids sit on TV or devices
✨ Created a home I love that takes minutes to clean each day
✨ Escaped laundry prison and no longer have piles of laundry everywhere
✨ Have energy to be an active present mom even with toddlers and babies
✨ Get more done in less time
And now I am now a SAHWM, helping other overwhelmed moms eliminate their mom stress, get their homes on autopilot, get more done in less time, have hours of kid-free time, and enjoy their homes more!
And now I wake up to messages like these almost everyday from other moms.
“Only a week in and your home hacks are game changing for me and my family” – Elizabeth
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